Progress, Not Perfection: Why Just Getting Started Matters More Than Having It All Figured Out

We’ve all been there—staring at a dream, a goal, or even just a simple task, waiting for the perfect time to start. Maybe you want to eat healthier but feel like you need to map out an entire meal plan first. Maybe you want to launch a business but think you need the perfect website, branding, and marketing strategy in place before you even tell a soul.

Spoiler alert: If you wait until everything is perfect, you’ll never start.

Perfection is the dream killer. Progress is what actually gets you places.

The Myth of the Perfect Starting Point

There’s a common misconception that success happens when all the stars align. That people who are thriving had a step-by-step blueprint, all the right tools, and zero doubts before they began.

That’s just not true.

Success happens when people start before they feel ready. When they take imperfect action. When they figure it out as they go.

I know because I’ve lived it.

Small Steps Create Big Change

Take healthy eating, for example. You don’t need to wait until you have a meticulously planned grocery list and a color-coded meal-prep spreadsheet before you start making better choices. If you’re out at a restaurant and usually get fries, swap them for a side salad. If you’re craving a snack, grab an apple instead of a candy bar. One decision at a time.

The same goes for exercise. You don’t need to have the perfect gym membership, a full workout routine, and matching activewear to start moving your body. Take a 10-minute walk. Do a few stretches. Just start.

Small steps compound. And the more you act, the easier it becomes.

How I Started My Business Without Having It All Figured Out

When I first started promoting my virtual assistant services, I didn’t have a website. I didn’t have a fancy brand or a logo. I didn’t even know how to build a website! But I had a skill set, a drive to help others, and a willingness to figure things out along the way.

My first “branding photos” (pictured above) weren’t taken in a professional studio. Carlos snapped them in our empty home office. No decor, no aesthetic backdrop, just me, my laptop, an empty coffee mug, and a dream.

Had I waited until I had the perfect website, branding, and portfolio, I’d still be waiting. Instead, I started promoting my services, connecting with people, and learning on the fly. And guess what? Clients still hired me. Opportunities still came my way. And now, I do have a website, branding, and experience—because I let progress lead the way.

Embracing the Messy Middle

The journey is never a straight line. It’s messy. It’s full of pivots, missteps, and lessons learned the hard way. And that’s okay. Waiting for perfection keeps you stuck. Moving forward, even imperfectly, brings clarity.

So if you’re hesitating to start something, a fitness routine, a business, a creative project—ask yourself: Am I waiting for perfection? If the answer is yes, shift your focus to progress instead.

What’s one small step you can take today? Take it. Then, take another tomorrow. And before you know it, you’ll look back and realize you didn’t need perfection after all; you just needed to start.

Your Turn: What Are You Waiting For?

I’d love to hear from you! What’s something you’ve been putting off because you feel like you’re not “ready”? What’s one small step you can take today? Drop a comment below, and let’s cheer each other on!

Because success isn’t about having it all together—it’s about taking action and letting it all come together as you go.

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